I have been attending events and groups at St Pancras for the last 60 years. It is where I first met my wife, Tricia, at the age of 13 at the junior youth group, but little did I know how over the years God had his hand on my life.
It wasn't until I was 18 that I had a Damascus Road experience where I was confronted with the living Lord Jesus who challenged me to follow him and know what being 'born again' really meant. It was at first a difficult decision to make as I was known in the youth group as someone who saw Jesus as a crutch for those who didn't have the 'backbone' to live a real life, but Jesus was someone I couldn't ignore and I found in following Him and being open to the Holy Spirit life had a purpose and a meaning. It hasn't always been easy going, there have been many challenges and disappointments, but also many fulfilling experiences.
Tricia and I have always believed God wanted us to serve the community here at St Pancras and this has been achieved over the years through Youth Work, Church Warden, Home Group Leadership and Prayer Ministry just to mention a few ways of serving our risen Lord. I do believe prayer is the lifeline we have with our God and I long to encourage folk to be open, real and listening to what God is wanting to say to us about any situation or circumstance we find ourselves in. As the famous preacher Billy Graham used to say 'Jesus is just a heart beat away' he is closer than you or I may think.
Tricia and I are both retired and we have three grown up children and seven grandchildren.