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Claire Hendy - Ordinand

Claire Hendy - Ordinand

Hello, my name is Claire. I am an ordinand (trainee vicar) studying at St Mellitus College SW. I am joining St Pancras for my last year in training before ordination next summer.


I have lived all over, coming from a military family we moved all the time, but we would come back to the Southwest for holidays and to visit family. I have always felt at home here and it is where I eventually met and married my husband, David.  Together we have two children, Theodore and Quorra who are currently in Yrs. 2 and 4 at primary school.


I studied nursing at university and worked at Derriford for some time before moving into the community to nurse end of life and end stage dementia patients.


I have felt God calling me to ministry for a long time but never had the courage to step out until the pandemic hit.  I had by this point left nursing and was caring full time for my husband at home, during this time God came to me in a dream every night at the same time telling me it was time to trust him and what He wanted me to do.  One night I got up and prayed saying ‘Ok I trust you, show me what you want, and I will do it’.  After that I never had that dream again and God has revealed Himself to me in more ways than I could ever imagine.


My favourite place to be is Dartmoor; just being with creation and listening for God’s voice fills me with so much joy.  I love to be with others, build up community through prayer, hospitality and love for each other and share my faith through service to others.

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